DUGDER! Is not sound of terrorist bomb

Semarang for citizens, there is a tradition that made the fasting month, the 'Dugder'. Dugder is a festival or celebration to mark the start of worship in the fasting month of Ramadhan.
This history began in the 1891.Semarangs regent, RMTA Purbaningrat, the start of the ceremony as a sign of worship for the Semarang people of fasting begins .Ki Lurah out ceremony accompanied with guards, and stop on the side of a cannon.After, bedug beaten once, and two cannon in three times.Heared sound of cannon and bedug, Semarang and surrounding residents know that the beginning of Ramadan fasting is the next day.So 'Dugder' onomatope is the voice of bedug-dug, dug, dug and cannon voice-duer-.

One of the unique event in the Dugder is' Warak Ngendhog 'that is unique toys that can be found from every event Dugder. This is like a goat's body, with head like a dragon.but some of the similar cultural , this animal is a fusion between the dragon from China, and Buroq from Arab.With another word Warak Ngendhog is a symbol of unity of various ethnic groups in Semarang.

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